How To Learn Blog Article Writing, How To Write Article On Any Niche Or Topic?

Friends, today’s article will be the last article of our article writing journey, after this we will learn how to take up work in the article writing business and how to earn money from it.

But there are many people who do not know how to write articles and it is very difficult for them to write articles. So in such a situation, they should read this article completely and after reading this article, they will find a lot of improvement and progress.

How to learn to write Short Form or News Article?

First of all, let’s talk about how you will write a News Article or Short Form Article if you get one. First of all, the Client will tell you to write an article on this topic.

For example, a client asked you to write an article about Revolt RV400 Review in Hindi. So now you will say that I do not know anything about the bike, so how will I write it.

But if you are asked to write an article on a topic like – why is 15th August celebrated? Then you will say that yes, I can write this.

Because why is 15th August celebrated? You know about it. But this does not mean that you will never be able to write an article about Revolt RV400 Review in Hindi.

This is not true at all, no writer has much knowledge about any topic but everyone first does research to get information about the topic and then starts writing the article.  

Although it seems very hard in the beginning, but once you understand the format of writing, you can do research and start writing articles on any topic.

How to do research while writing an article?

Doing research is very easy. If you find any topic, search it on Google. You will get information about almost all topics on Google.

There are many such topics which you will find on Youtube. And there are many such topics which are already written on Google. You can get an idea from them about how to write an article.

While doing research, you must use a copy and prepare a structure as to how to write the entire article.

If you understand the entire article and prepare its structure in the copy, then it will be easy for you to write the article. If you are a beginner, then write the entire article in the copy itself. And then after that you can write that article by voice typing.

If you do not find any topic in Hindi, you can search it in English and then translate it using Google Translate and understand it. And then you can copy the same article in your own way.

Remember that you can never copy-paste an article from someone else exactly same. Yes, you can make sentences in your own way by moving the sentences and words back and forth in your own words.

While writing the article, you must ensure that the article is not copied or pasted from any other blog. To check this, you can do it with the help of some Plagiarism Checker Website.

After writing any article, paste your article in any of these websites and check for plagiarism, which means how much your article matches with other articles, it should be 100% unique.

If there is plagiarism in your article, then change it and make it unique. Although let us tell you that 10-20% plagiarism is common, but many clients demand 100% unique articles.

While writing a news article, you should read and understand the article very well, then you will be able to write any article. Therefore, your understanding skill should be good, then you can write any type of article.

While writing a news article, you should give to the point information. News article is quite simple, and in this article has to be written on trending topic.

However, the only way to write a good article is that you understand the format and structure of writing any article and then prepare an article.

How to write a long form article?

Friends, News Article or Short Article is very short and one can easily write an article in 1 hour.

But while writing a long form article, you have to spend a lot of time and do a lot of research. Therefore, it takes at least 02 to 03 hours to write 01 article.

While writing a long form article, do the same thing that you did in your short form article. Research about that topic and understand that topic well and then write that article well.

However, while writing a long form article, take small breaks so that you can get an idea of ​​the topic to write.

Before writing any article, do thorough research and then prepare about 10 to 15 good subheadings.

After that prepare FAQs inside the article. Many people face a lot of difficulty in preparing FAQs. But it is not hard, you read a little more about the article and do research, you will immediately get 10 to 15 more questions ready.

The secret of writing a good article is that a writer works very hard. Even when I used to write articles, I did not know how to write an article from the beginning.

But I never gave up, I never said that this topic is hard or I will not be able to do it. Good or bad, I wrote the article, read it thoroughly, and then edited it. And I kept doing this until I learned to write a good article.

And till today I do the same thing, I work very hard. I always complete any work. And no matter how much time it takes, I never leave that work without completing it.

Therefore, whatever topic you get, work hard and write that article in any way, if you want to earn money.

Next Topic – How and where to find article writing work?

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