Friends, if you are also thinking of earning money from blogging, then in today’s article we will tell you, but the first thing that comes to mind is how you can earn the first 100$. Friends, there is no doubt that you can earn 1000$ every month from blogging, rather you can earn 1000$ every day, but first of all it is more important that how you earn your first 1$ and then withdraw your first 100$ to the bank.
Come friends, let us know how to earn money from blogging.
Friends, to earn money from blogging, first of all you have to set up a website. After that you have to upload content on that website. And then you have to make that website reach the people. That is, you have to bring visitors to that website. Then when visitors start coming to your website, you have to put advertisements on your website.
And then the more people come to your website, the more people will see your ad and click on it and you will earn money. All this is a process. In which first of all you have to do all the things properly.
Like in setting up a website, first you have to buy a domain, then you have to buy hosting. And even before buying a domain, you have to choose the topic of your blog on which blog you want to create your website. After that you have to design your website and then put content on it.
If you want to learn all these things well, then you can follow us on this Instagram ID –@ashishyachandanYou can message me on . However, if you know and if you have not been able to earn your first 100$ yet, then let me tell you that I have already earned 100$ from the blog. Apart from this, I have earned one lakh rupees with my team from blogging in about a year. So apply my method and you will be able to earn at least your first 100$.
Then you make your way and then from that 100$ you can earn 1000$ in a month and then you can learn to earn 1000$ in a day. But the most important thing is that you earn the first 1$. And then after earning that 100$, withdraw it to your bank account. So friends, let us tell you the whole thing.
First of all, choose a topic for your blog.
You have to choose a topic like stock market, crypto currency, health blog, finance blog, food blog or travel blog. This topic is called niche selection in the language of blogging. For example, I want to choose stock market niche as a blog topic.
You for niche selection120 Most Profitable Blog Niche Ideas to Write About – Wix.comYou can read this website. You can learn about many types of blog niches on this website. And you can start your blog on any one of those topics.
However, you should choose the blog niche in which you enjoy learning and teaching. Like my favorite niche is to give information about stock market and how to earn money online. Now let’s assume that I have chosen a topic which is stock market. Now let us tell you further about setting up this website.
After that you choose a domain name.
Friends, after that you have to buy a domain. You can buy the domain from the daddy company. If you do not know about the domain, then let us tell you that the name of the URL of the domain website is called domain. Let us explain it to you with some examples.
Like,, etc. all these are domain names. If you buy a .com domain then you will be charged the most. Like then you will be charged the most. And if you buy it in the name of .in or .org etc. then you will be charged less like or In this way, first of all you should choose a name and get it registered from any domain registration website.
The most famous website for buying domain name is this which I also likegodaddy.comBecause its service is the best and it is the easiest to use. And the best thing I think is that if you want to sell your website in the future or transfer it from one account to another, then in Godaddy it is done in less than five minutes.
Friends, if we talk about the price of the domain, then you will have to spend at least Rs 800 to Rs 900 on the domain. However, let me tell you that friends, you can also work on a free domain. But if you are serious, then you should buy a domain by paying money. Websites can also be made on free domains and you can earn money from it. You must read this article about this – How to earn money by creating a free blog? In which I have told how I created a free blog and earned 100 $ from it?
Host your domain on hosting.
Friends, after buying a domain, you have to buy a hosting and connect that domain to the hosting. For that you can choose the best companyHostinger.inBuy hosting from. Friends, if you buy hosting then it will cost you around 3000 rupees.
Although you can host your website for free, but if you want to do blogging properly then you must buy your own hosting. Because on free blogger you will not be able to use many features which you will be able to use on WordPress hosting. And you will have a lot of problems on free hosting.
But even if you don’t have money, friends, you can still make a website on free blogger and earn lakhs of rupees without investing any money. You might think this is a joke or you might not believe it.
But friends, you will have some difficulty in learning but you can earn lakhs of rupees by working on free blogger without investing even a single rupee. If you do not believe then you must read this article. How to earn lakhs of rupees by working on free blogger? Friends, after buying hosting, you have to connect your domain and hosting with each other.
friends however if youHostinger.inIf you buy a domain from Hostinger, you will get a domain for free. And you will be able to setup it very easily. So if you are a beginner then Hostinger’s hosting is the best.
Then design and customize the website.
Friends, after buying domain and hosting and connecting them, the next task is to design and customize the website. For that, first you have to install WordPress and then after that you have to install SSL certificate in your website.
If you do not know about SSL Certificate, then let us tell you in short, it is very important for every website to get this certificate. With this, when your website reaches people, it will appear secure. This means that your website is safe for people.
Friends, we have created an article in which we have explained how to setup a website completely. You must read this article – How to setup a website completely. In which we have explained everything from WordPress installation to plugin installation, and designing etc.
Friends, now I believe that if you have learned all these things and now you know how to set up a website and how to earn money from it. So friends, now let us tell you what you have to do on your website after that?
How to post an article on your blog and how much to post?
Friends, this question comes in everyone’s mind that how many articles should we post and what kind of articles should we post to earn money from our blog. So for that, let us tell you that first of all you have to understand from where you want to bring traffic to your website.
Friends, if you do not know about traffic, then let us tell you that traffic means from where you will bring visitors or readers to your blog. That is, from where will you bring the user who will read your website.
Let’s make this thing more simple. What I mean to say is that you will bring visitors to your blog from search engines or through social media. Because it does not happen that you created a blog today and from today itself traffic will start coming to your blog from search engines.
So for this, first of all you have to learn how to bring traffic to your website. And this is the biggest problem of any blogger. And the real blogging is also this, to bring thousands and lakhs of traffic to your blog every day.
Friends, if you learn, you will be able to bring thousands of traffic i.e. visitors to your blog every day. That is why I have created an article in which I have explained how to bring lakhs of traffic to your website every month?
Now let us come to our first question that how many and what kind of articles should be posted on our blog. So it depends on the type of your blog. For example, if your blog is a news website, then you will have to post at least 10 to 20 articles every day.
And if you have a blog in which you have good and big information, then even if you post fewer blogs, you must customize them well. But even if you have a general blog, you must post at least one article every day.
How will monetization be enabled on the website?
Friends, now I assume that you have set up the website and have also put good and valuable content on it. Now the question arises that how will you earn money from your website? So friends, every blogger or big website like Times of India, Hindustan Times, Aaj Tak, or Money Control, all these websites are earning money, then that is by running ads on the website.
So friends, to earn money from the website, you also have to enable monetization on your website. However, this work is a bit hard. Because to enable monetization on the website, first the website has to be prepared well and then after preparing it well, a request has to be sent to the ad company to turn on monetization.
If your website looks professional and follows the terms and conditions, then your request for monetization on your website is accepted. And then your website starts earning from ads. But the biggest problem for new bloggers is that very few people get approval for monetization on their website.
For this you have to work very well and let me tell you that till now I have taken monetization on more than 10 websites. In such a situation, I am teaching you to get approval on the website so that you can enable monetization on any website within a month.
Whatever I am telling you here, I am telling you only what I have done. I have taken approval on many types of blogs like quotes website, application website, movies review website, article website etc.
So if you want to get approval on your website then read this article – How to get approval for monetization on any website in just one month? However, I will still tell you in short how you can turn on monetization on your website.
- First of all, setup all these imported pages inside the footer of your website.
- After that, customize the Navigation Menu of your website properly in which you divide the articles according to category.
- After that, post one article of at least 2000 words on your website every day for 20 days.
- After that, it will take 14 days for you to get a reply but even during this time, you should keep uploading one article every day.
- In this way, monetization will be turned on on your website in 30 days with about 30 articles.
Friends, the mistake you should not make in this is that you should not copy paste the article from any website or any other place. You have to write the article well in such a way that it provides value to the people. Secondly, do not take any image from Google, first download it from free copy right image and then upload it only after editing it in Canva.
How to make money from your blog?
Friends, to earn money from the blog, you will have to bring visitors to your website. And after that you will have to enable monetization. If you do both these things then understand that you have earned your first 100$, however how? I will tell you this thing in the last. Friends, after turning on monetization on the website, keep doing SEO of your blog properly and keep bringing traffic to it through different social media.
Although bringing traffic i.e. visitors is the hardest task, but you should read this article in which I have told how to bring lakhs of traffic to your website every month? Although there are many ways to bring traffic to the website which I will tell you later. But here I tell you that since you have created your blog, let us see in which ways you can earn money from it.
- You can earn money from your website views.
- You can earn money from web story views
- You can earn money by selling your website.
Friends, here I have told you two new things, first is web story and second is website selling, and as I told you friends, if you enable monetization on your website, then you will get at least 7500 rupees rate for that website in the market which is approximately equal to 100$.
However, I have mentioned another topic, Web Story, so friends, let me tell you that this is also a part of blogging and it is a very special thing in the field of blogging. Let me tell you that I earned my first 100$ with the help of Web Story. So if you want to know well about Web Story, what is a Web Story and how did I earn my first 100$ from Web Story? Then you must read my article.
Friends, there are many ways to earn money from a website and I still have many things to tell you like – how to bring lakhs of traffic to your website every month? How to earn your first 100$ in a month? How many days does it take to earn 1000$ from blogging? How to rank your blog in search engines? Etc. There are many such things related to blogging which I will tell you in my blog.
Friends, this article was for those people who were completely new to blogging. In the next article, we will discuss less about the basic things related to blogging and will discuss how to earn money from blogging. And we will try to show you everything with live examples and proof.
Till then friends, if you have any question related to blogging in your mind, then please tell us by commenting, we will definitely help you.
You can message me directly on my Instagram ID – @ashishyachandan. Thank you very much friends for reading this article. Do share this article with bloggers so that more and more people like us and you can learn blogging.