Friends, in the last article we told you what is Blog Article Writing and how I earned more than Rs 20,000 per month from it.
Continuing the same article, we are giving you further information about how many types of blog articles are there and how you can advance the business of blog article writing.
But before that we should know how many types of blog articles are there and how much money is earned in which type of blog article. So that you can do the business of blog article writing well.
How many types of Blog Article Writing are there?
There are two main types of Blog Article Writing. However, apart from this, there are other types as well, but they are also considered under other parts.
The first one is News Article. And the second one is Blog Article. Let us now explain the meaning of both and the difference between them.
What is a news article?
Usually, whenever an article is written, it has a format. Like first there is the title of the blog. After that the introduction of the article is written. After that 05 to 06 subheadings are used.
However, we will tell you a detailed structure of how to write a news article in the subsequent parts. Now let us tell you about the second type of blog article which is called blog article or long form article.
What is a Long Form Article?
Inside the Long Form Article also, the article is written in a similar way, but apart from this, some other things are also written in it in an extra way.
In a long form article, the title is written first, then the intro is written in it. Then after that about 05 to 10 subheadings are made in it.
Then FAQs are added inside the article. FAQs means small questions and their related answers have to be made in the Question Answer Form.
I am giving you some examples of FAQs in this article below. Below I have created about 04 FAQs in an article on a topic which you can read and understand well.
After this, the conclusion is written at the end of the article. However, in this, the article is ended in short and some other important information is also given.
However, we will tell you about writing an article in detail later, how you can write a long form article. Along with this, we will also know what is SEO and how SEO is used in long form articles.